Prayer Plus!

Have you ever prayed extra hard about something and nothing happened? I assume LOTS of folks have had this experience. I know I have experienced this multiple times. It can be pretty discouraging. I would like to throw out some ideas about this that I hope will help.

First, this experience does not mean you have failed. I find it very easy to reflect on unanswered prayer and think surely I messed this up. Slow yourself down a bit. Hold in your mind the idea that God heard your prayer and is with you. He does not view you as a failure. Allow your mind to see God as being fully understanding of your situation (because He is!). He knows “we are but dust” (Psalm 103:14).

Second, don’t get paralyzed.  What I mean by this is move forward as you are praying.  In Alcoholics Anonymous they have a saying I like, “Just do the next right thing.”  Say you are praying about changing jobs.  After prayer begin to investigate other jobs being attentive to God’s small voice.  God is not trying to hide from you. Dallas Willard says “God goes with us in our choice.”  In other words God created us to choose and act while assuming he will partner with us.  It’s a great freedom!

And third, seek the wisdom of trusted others.  God designed us with the potential for deep, rich, vulnerable, trusting relationships with others.  Reality is most of us have been hurt, sometimes severely, in relationships. Our minds recorded these experiences of wounding and betrayal in such a way that we are hesitant to trust again.  This is true when it comes to people and God.  Despite our past woundings do seek out trusted others to advise and support you as you pray.  Make your prayer life a group adventure!

Prayer has two parts: our part and God’s part.  The ancient theologian St. Augustine stated it like this, “Pray as if everything depended on God and work as though everything depended on you.”  From a mental health perspective here’s my advice.  While you are seeking God about your depression or anxiety also seek a medical doctor or professional counselor for help.  While you are seeking God about your marriage problems also seek a marriage counselor.  Do you see what I mean?  You are in partnership with the King of the universe, a gracious and good heavenly Father.  He has designed you to seek him and to act out of your relationship with him.  What “next step” can you take today?

Paul Carlisle